Italian Citizenship Application Review

Now that you have done the work, collected all of your documents, and are ready to apply..are you 100% confident that you have done everything right? 

Don't take the chance...
What's Included

Join countless others who have applied with confidence after an expert citizenship application review.

From our happy clients

"10 STARS (out of five)! We tried to apply on our own and it did not go well. Thankfully I found Smart Move Italy.  Now we're on track!"

Lisa S.
Citizenship Applicant

"We never thought any of this was possible and couldn't have done it without your help. We are now living our dream in Italy."

Citizen Applicant

"Smart Move Italy helped me get my citizenship in record time! I am now living in Italy as an Italian Citizen and couldn't be happier."

Lisa P.
New Italian Citizen

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder

"Thank you Smart Move Italy and Terry. We honestly couldn't have done this without your support and guidance."

Kim S.
Citizenship Applicant

"I cannot say enough wonderful things about my journey with Smart Move Italy. I am now happily a dual citizen!."

Lisa T.
New Italian Citizen

"Honestly, I was totally confused at all the documents and felt like there was no hope, until I found you."

Ctizenship Applicant

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder
Apply with Confidence in Three Easy Steps.
  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment
Italian Citizenship Application Review

Contact information

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xItalian Citizenship Application Review€500

All prices in EUR

  • What happens after I pay for the review?
    Check your email (and SPAM) for instructions on how to share your family tree and documents with our experts.
  • How long will the review take?
    Usually no more than two weeks (often sooner).
  • What happens if there are errors on my documents?
    We will include all findings in your report. Included will be all errors or deficiencies and how you can fix them yourself.


How soon should I request a review?
You should wait until you have 80% - 100% of your documents together before you submit a review. In some cases, it is better to have a review before you complete the legalization (Apostille) as if there are errors, you will have to re-do them.
How long do reviews take?
Our reviews can take up to two weeks (but often sooner).
Can I speak with the reviewer?
Yes. You can schedule a private one-hour call with the reviewer after the application review has been completed. You may also message the reviewer through your private online platform where the review will take place.
Do you guarantee I will get citizenship after a review?
We cannot guarantee what the Italian immigration offices will do, the decision to award you Italian Citizenship is entirely up to them. However, we guarantee that your review will identify all critical and clerical errors based on the location and type of application you have. You must then make the corrections to the satisfaction of the Italian authorities.
Do you help fix the errors?
We will provide you with a list of the errors/deficiencies and instructions on how to correct them yourself. If you need extra help, we can fix them for you. The choice is yours.
Why do I need a review?
100% of our case reviews result in at least one (often many more) critical or clerical error that could have a serious or fatal impact on the success of your application. You have spent many months (if not years) assembling your application, and likely the same waiting for an appointment, you deserve to be 100% confident that your application is complete and accurate. Often, it takes the eye of a professional with a fresh perspective to see your application more clearly.